Semester Reflection
I feel like i have been able to improve my quality of work with my photography this semester. I took this class because I wanted to learn more about photography and improve how to take photos. I feel like I was able to successfly complete the objectives of each project. I try to go beyond that but it is very difficult for me because Its hard to capture my ideas. I planned on putting the same effort for this class that I do for my other classes. I try to shoot more than is required but a lot of the times I dont like how the photos turned out so i reshoot and take them again. I definitely do have a postivie attitude when looking at another students work. I like doing this because if im struggling with an assignment it gives me an idea for what I could do. I dont want to copy other students ideas, but I want to take inspiration from them. I also have a positive attitude towards my own photos because if I have a negative attitude I wont accomplish any good photography. In class I always ...