Describing Photographs

The photo looks like it was taken in a very rural area where there is a lot of farm life. In the middle of the photo there is a women climbing a ladder

PHOTO TWO: There is a man riding a kayak in a lake which looks like it would be somewhere in the US. As he is approaching the coast the lake is breaking into shattered glass.

PHOTO THREE: The photo looks simple but it takes a twist because it appears as though he is punching himself in the face and then his face is "exploding" into an airbag.

PHOTO FOUR: The photograph has many different things going on. In the center there is a giant fish in what looks like a lake. On top of the fish there is a hill with two red houses and then a bird flying above the house. To the far left and right there is a forest area and then on the right side of the water there is a kayak.

PHOTO FIVE: The picture looks like it was taken very far up north. The man looks like a normal man wearing winter clothing but he is for some reason holding a chainsaw. He is also dragging a sled around which has three cubes of ice and inside the ice it has fish.

PHOTO SIX: The photo seems to be taken in a hilly and empty area. There is a man in the middle of the photo is walking out of one door and heading towards another. The door on the right has a lamp in front of it and the door on the left has papers falling out of the door. The man is in a robe holding a cup of milk/ coffee and it looks as if he is dreaming.

PHOTO SEVEN: The photo has two giant boots that looks like they were walking in the mud. In the left boot there is a man and he is holding the laces like if he were riding a horse. The backdrop seems to be somewhere very rural.

PHOTO EIGHT: There is a man riding a bike who stopped at a dead end but in reality it is the edge of a cliff where the road instead of going straight goes down. He is staring at the edge looking down.

PHOTO NINE: The man in the middle is painting what he is looking at. He appears to be somewhere up north painting a lake. The background looks like it was around winter. The main panting on the bottom half of his body it looks normal but the top half of him is blending in with the painting.
