Napolean dynamite questions

1) What did you think of Napoleon the first time you saw him?
My first impression of Napoleon was that he was very odd and awkward.
2) Do you think the movie is a comedy? Do you think some people will say it wasn’t?
I think the movie was a comedy but some people will say it is not because the acting is very awkward and uncomfortable.
3) How do you think Napoleon saw himself?
I think Napoleon had high self esteem and thought he was cool.    Did he think he was a dork or a nerd?
I think he thought he was a little bit of both.     Did he care?
I dont think he cared because he never seemed phased when people made fun of him. 
4) Do you think Napoleon had any nun chuck skills?
No i dont think he did.    How about poison dart skills?
No    Did he have skills as an artist?
No    What were his best skills?
He didnt really have a lot talent. 
5) Who do you think this movie is funniest for: former Napoleons, current Napoleons, or anti-Napoleons? Explain.
Probably former Napoleons because they can look back and relate.
6) What is the “social order” in your high school? 
I wouldnt say we have a social order but we go by friend groups and cliques.    Who’s at the top? (no names)
Athletes.    Where do you think Napoleon would fit in?
At the bottom.    Where is your place?
I really dont know because that is not something I pay attention too.
7) Would you vote for Pedro or Summer? Why?
Pedro because it is an opportunity he would otherwise probably never get.
8) What was Napoleon’s biggest problem?
He couldnt secure a date to the dance.    Kips?
His girlfriend coming to town.    Uncle Rico’s?
Their grandma coming home.
9) The official Napoleon Dynamite website says “He’s Out To Prove He Has Nothing To Prove.” What do you think this means?
He is trying to make a point that highschool is all just stupid and social pryamids do not actually matter.
10) What’s one “Napoleon” thing about you?
I can be awkward as well.
11) Do you think Napoleon was happy? Explain.
Yes i think he was satisfied with his life and he became happy through any little thing he could accomplish.
12) Why would Napoleon wears the boots all the time? Do you think he cared what others thought of him?
I dont think he cared what others though of him. Napoleon wore boots all the time because he liked them.
13) Did Napoleon get to “un-dork” himself or is he just a dork who can dance?
I think he is just a dork who can dance. 
14) Where do you think Napoleon will be in twenty years?
Napoleon will probably be working from home.    Pedro?
Pedro will be working outside.     Deb?
I dont know what Deb would be doing in the future. Probably something in buissness.    Kip?
I dont know what he would be doing in the future.    Uncle Rico?
Uncle Rico will be back at home retiring. 
15) If you could have any mythical beast as a pet, what would it be? 
I would get a dragon.
16) If you could take any food (other than potatoes) and make it into a tot, what food would you choose?
I would make apples into tots. 
